Fuel Filtration

Fuel Filtration

Whether powering an 18-wheeler down the highway or a bulldozer on a construction site, your engines are exposed to dirt, rust, water and other contaminants. Quality fuel filtration can keep all that bad stuff from causing significant damage to your engine — and your business. Fleetguard fuel filters and processors deliver best-in-class performance using proprietary media like StrataPore® and NanoNet® that meets or exceeds OEM quality and performance.

FF5018 Fuel, Spin-On

FF5018 Fuel, Spin-On

Fleetguard® FF5018 spin-on fuel filter delivers superior performance using proven media technology, removing harmful contaminants. Fleetguard fuel filters ensure optimal fuel system protection to meet or exceed OEM specifications.

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FF5052 Fuel, Spin-On

FF5052 Fuel, Spin-On

Fleetguard® FF5052 spin-on fuel filter delivers superior performance using proven media technology, removing harmful contaminants. Fleetguard fuel filters ensure optimal fuel system protection to meet or exceed OEM specifications.

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FF167A Fuel, Cartridge

FF167A Fuel, Cartridge


Fleetguard® FF167A fuel filter cartridge reduces contamination, trapping dirt particles and preventing them from reaching the moving parts in your engine supporting longer service intervals.

Rolled Paper Version

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